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Mother Nature, presented by The North Face is a web series created with our friends at Beauvoir and is available right here.

Q: How many children do you have and how old are they?

A: I have two daughters, aged 4 and 1 1/2.

Q: Your most memorable family adventure/vacation (positive or negative) and why?

A: Our first trip to my husband's family fishing camp: a rustic and isolated cabin, on the edge of a lake accessible only by rowboat, several hundred kilometers from civilization, with our then 20-month-old daughter. No network, no electricity. A beautiful family experience, which still had its share of stress!

Q: The moment you felt most proud of as a mother?

A: All the times my daughters teach me something, about myself or about ways to approach life.

Q: The biggest challenge you've faced as a mother?

A: I am far from a perfect mother, but every day I challenge myself to do my best and to improve.

Q: Your dream family adventure/vacation?

A: We are lucky to live on the edge of a lake, in the forest, and our intention is to make the most of it with our children. My dream vacation is no more ambitious than discovering the richness of our environment and making our children appreciate it.

Q: Your best superpower as a mother?

A: Despite the chaos in the house, I have the superpower to always know where my kids (or spouse) are looking! I think it's an intuitive photographic memory!

Q: What's your snack of choice for you and your kids in adventure mode?

A: In adventure mode, the secret is not quality, but quantity! You don't want to run out of snacks! My daughters' preferences vary, but right now they are particularly fond of dried fruit, muffins and dry cereal.

Q: Your ideal day outside?

A: A day without a crisis! All kidding aside, when I feel like everyone enjoyed the activity in some way, it makes me very happy. We like to keep it simple and not overload the day.

Q: The 3 things you can't live without for an outdoor adventure with your kids?

A: 1) Snacks!

2) A means of transportation for tired legs and/or naps: baby carrier, cart, stroller, backpack, sled, etc.

3) A change of clothes (my girls always find puddles and mud!)

Q: What's your best advice for other birth mothers?

A: Don't compare yourself to other moms and especially don't compare your children to other people's children. Marvel at their candor and try to explore nature through their eyes. They can see and feel much better than we can. Adventure is a very broad and subjective term: it is up to you to see what nourishes you and your children.

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