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Mother Nature, presented by The North Face is a web series created with our friends at Beauvoir and is available right here.

Q: How many children do you have and how old are they?

A: I have two children: Philomène 4 years and Auguste 2 years

Q: Your most memorable family adventure/vacation (positive or negative) and why?

A: For me it goes without saying that our most memorable trip was when we went camping for 3 months when Philomène was only 2 months old. We headed to British Columbia to do some mountain biking and climbing.

We had our ups and downs (especially me!) on this trip. I loved being able to do lots of little adventures together. We met some amazing people, lived day to day, which was a great change from the hectic rush of work.

On the personal side, I had greatly underestimated the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on the body! I wasn't as fit as I would have liked to be either on the bike or in climbing. I had high expectations. I found this difficult to realize when my partner was in top shape.

Q: The moment you felt most proud of as a mother?

A: Every time I see my kids blossom outside.

At the beginning of the current season, we went to the slope school at Orford ski resort. I watched my daughter make her turns with confidence and my son laugh out loud with each run. I also watched the other parents who were just as amazed by their children's accomplishments. I find this beautiful and inspiring.

Q: The biggest challenge you've faced as a mother?

A: It's not very natural, but I just finished a master's degree in engineering management while working full time. For me, it's important to have accomplishments outside of the family. To continue to have my own aspirations.

Q: Your dream family adventure/vacation?

A: I would love to be able to take several months off with my family again to travel like we did in 2018. I love being able to take the time to be with my children and watch them marvel at their surroundings.

Q: Your best superpower as a mother?

A: Let my children discover themselves and the world around them.

I love seeing them explore their own interests. At daycare, everyone knows that my kids pick out their own clothes in the morning; for better or for worse!

Q: What's your snack of choice for you and your kids in adventure mode?

A: Ouff, that's not the point where I stand out!

We often have a snack in the form of cut up fruit (apple, orange, strawberries) and a snack that is taken in bite size pieces such as soft bars cut into small pieces.

And there's nothing like a bag of cheddar fish to lift your spirits!

Q: Your ideal day outside?

A: My partner and I are looking for simple activities to do with the kids. We are not big adventurers!

An ideal day is as simple as a morning at the mountain (because in the afternoon it's nap time at home!) With little ones, it's an easy place to go, we meet many parents like us.

Q: The 3 things you can't live without for an outdoor adventure with your kids?

A: 1. snack, 2. water bottles, 3. Christophe Lacombe (my spouse)

Q: What's your best advice for other birth mothers?

A: We have to listen to our children. We have to be alert to the signals they send us. At young ages, it is difficult for them to express their needs clearly, each child is different.

You also need to find moments to find yourself. Moments to celebrate the woman you are. You too have the right to play outside with your friends. There's nothing like a happy mom, with her energy recharged by an amazing weekend with friends. Don't neglect yourself.

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