A: It's going well! I knew it would be different from the first one, and it's definitely different: less of an unknown of taking care of a little baby, but it's new baby, so it's different.
A : I have 2 children, Jules 3,5 years old (almost 4) and a new one Alexi, 2 weeks and a half.
A: The history of family adventure is only with Jules for now. What comes to mind is a gravel bike getaway last summer in the lower river. It was only for one night of camping. The path we had planned was not very "bike-friendly" and there were sections full of sand where we had to push the bikes, a bridge to cross anyway. In short hybrid walk, bicycle and in the end we really laughed a lot. There is also the first time that we tried to bring the small one in touring with a cart by saying to ourselves: "well yes, that will make it, we will be able to adapt our activities with a child and that will not really change in the end". But no. (laughs) The cart couldn't go over the unstable terrain. After trying to cross a ditch for 20 minutes and having covered a distance of 100m (consider a departure made for more than 2 hours), we turned back. We realized that in the end it will be something else with a third partner. Let's say that it was a good start to let go and allowed us to understand that it would be different for real. That we couldn't do EVERYTHING with a child, that we had to adapt. And that in the end, in order to keep the fun, we shouldn't push ourselves too hard.
A : To have chosen the right dad and to have a great team to live all this (family life). My greatest pride is having a team with Sam, who takes us to the next level and tries things. At the end of the day, no matter how proud I am of my children, we are doing this together and I know how lucky I am.
A: I would say the loss of spontaneity. I'm really a spur of the moment person and will adapt in the moment. With a child, if I want to feel good and safe trying new outdoor activities with them, it takes a little more "calculation" in the schedule and it requires more organization ahead of time. I was able to accept that this is how it would be from now on.
A: Going on a bike camping adventure!!! Really something I've been coveting. I'm somewhere else too: I used to look forward to doing MY activities and bringing my child and now I want to do an activity with them (that it can be adapted and they can take part in).
A: I'm willing to try anything with Jules, even if I'm all alone with him. I would say that I am a good creator of plans and days full of micro adventures. Jules is always excited to spend a day with me because he knows he's going to do a lot of things. Sometimes I "THINK BIG", a little too much, until I realize that: oops no, that's too much (haha). But anyway, that's what made me try a lot of things with Jules and it's still going on.
A: Dried mangoes, a sure value. Then, we can't pass by without mentioning: the fig bars, life saver. And the little wraps with peanut butter, ham, eggs, cheese...: you can eat them with a mitt and ride a bike in the cart.
A: It would be a day where the preparations are part of the day's adventures and are fun to do. Not too hot and not too cold: we eliminate the stress of the weather. An adventure where there is time to spend in a certain way and that the child can also move, but that we also have an alternative for him to rest (cart). In short, a successful day is often a well-planned day, a snack at the right time and that the child also has time to have fun, not just a day for us. Spring skiing, anything by the water... hard to beat playing on the beach!
A: Hat/change of clothes (winter as well as summer), sunscreen (classic), backpack to drag the child (while it is still possible) and COLLATIONS!
A: To go gradually: start smaller, step by step and gain confidence for bigger adventures eventually (just if you want to). Don't think that you are going to start from where you were from the beginning. Accept to go step by step: you have to get to know your new adventure partner who is now accompanying you.